- 7
- 4
Donate Us button not working
#89 opened by Vibhu-Agarwal - 3
- 1
Add about page
#6 opened by jaskiratsingh2000 - 0
contributor tab page
#7 opened by jaskiratsingh2000 - 1
add social links in team page 3- vaibhav
#83 opened by vaibhavdaren - 1
add social links in team page 4-uphaar
#84 opened by vaibhavdaren - 1
add social links in team page 5-hrishi
#85 opened by vaibhavdaren - 1
add social links in team page 6-shubham
#86 opened by vaibhavdaren - 4
- 8
embedding bootstrap in index.html
#34 opened by capedcrusader23 - 4
Navbar color should become white on scrolling and should remain fixed
#35 opened by jaskiratsingh2000 - 11
Slow loading of the site
#51 opened by khanna98 - 3
wrong practice (css)
#57 opened by dimritium - 1
Unexpected results on mouse hovering
#60 opened by aastha980 - 1
- 0
make this animation with presentation view of various images in background .
#76 opened by jaskiratsingh2000 - 3
add social links in team page 1-jaskirat
#78 opened by vaibhavdaren - 4
add social links in team page 2-devesh
#82 opened by vaibhavdaren - 0
Make an animated Contributor header and link it with some places where contributors contributes
#14 opened by jaskiratsingh2000 - 5
Wikipedia page
#23 opened by Saichethan - 5
Navbar should be fixed on the top
#25 opened by AshishkrGoyal - 7
Website Content
#33 opened by Saichethan - 2
Images Needed
#30 opened by Saichethan - 5
First paragraph of Readme
#31 opened by HarendraSingh22 - 3
Creating Markdown of beginner guide
#32 opened by Saichethan - 2
- 0
- 3
Implement Slack invitation
#49 opened by devesh-verma - 5
#18 opened by im-gozmit - 2
- 0
Button width is not set properly
#55 opened by devesh-verma - 0
slack link not working
#75 opened by vaibhavdaren - 1
Added follow us on twitter
#41 opened by Saichethan - 0
- 1
todo: add contents
#3 opened by vaibhavdaren - 2
Add a button within Hovered Donation popup to add custom amount for donation
#59 opened by jaskiratsingh2000 - 2
Make pop up for accepting donations [WIP]
#44 opened by devesh-verma - 2
Remove x-axis scrolling from webpage
#24 opened by AshishkrGoyal - 1
Add link to their github repository
#27 opened by AshishkrGoyal - 1
- 1
Typo errors
#16 opened by Saichethan - 0