
Job access

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, firstly, this is great, been looking for something like this for ages. I did have an idea, I don't think the option is there but it would be great if you could add Job only access too.

Hello, thanks for advice but actually he have this feature! You can check code from bellow.

function CheckOption(data, entity)
	data.distance = data.distance or Config.DefaultDistance

	if entity.distance and data.distance and entity.distance > data.distance then return false end
	if data.job and not JobCheck(data.job) then return false end
	if data.excludejob and JobCheck(data.excludejob) then return false end
	if data.jobType and not JobTypeCheck(data.jobType) then return false end
	if data.excludejobType and JobTypeCheck(data.excludejobType) then return false end
	if data.gang and not GangCheck(data.gang) then return false end
	if data.excludegang and GangCheck(data.excludegang) then return false end
	if data.item and not ItemCheck(data.item) then return false end
	if data.citizenid and not CitizenCheck(data.citizenid) then return false end
	if data.canInteract and not data.canInteract(, distance, data) then return false end
	return true

FFS, sorry, i see that now. This is great btw. I've actually removed the Radialmenu in favour of this.