
[Feature request] Need ability to see expected output for a custom test case

Opened this issue · 1 comments

nvmav commented

Provide a button "see expected output" before compile and test button (OR) when we compile and test, provide output for user's code and correct/expected output.

Given a test case, the judge should run that test case on the correct/official solution and give the results. This will help us get more clarity on problem statement and expected solution.

Example problem statement:
Give an integer, reverse it.
Sample input:
Sample output:

But, if integer 100 is input, when we reverse it, the expected output could be 001 or just 1.
If expected output option is there, it will help user understand what kind of output is expected in all possible scenarios far better. Else, user will have to do multiple submissions doing trail and error for all possible cases.

Thanks @nvmav, for raising the issue! 🙌

One of our mentors will revert on this soon. ✅

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