
Start InlfluxDB version 2 with the Flux language and scrape with Telegraf and view metrics


🚀 Start InlfluxDB version 2 with the Flux language and scrape with Telegraf and view metrics 🚀


From / By https://github.com/devopsjourney1/influxdb-2-dockercompose

InfluxDB 2.0 - Complete Guide to Getting Started with InfluxDB 2


Environment variables:

user interfaces:


git init
git add .
git remote remove origin
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin git@github.com:coding-to-music/influxdb-2-dockercompose.git
git push -u origin main

Install Pre-requirements

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt install docker.io -y && apt install docker-compose -y

Bring Up Docker

# run and take over the terminal:
docker-compose up

# detached mode so will run even if you log out:
docker-compose up -d

Open port 8086 so you can view the InfluxDB UI

Use the userid/pwd you set in the docker-compose.yml

Go to Load Data-->Telegraf-->Create Configuration

Configure your API Token

export INFLUX_TOKEN=etc etc

Paste the token into the end of the file ~/.bash_aliases

Download the Telegraf CLI


docker pull telegraf

Or download binaries

Change the drop-down to Ubuntu & Debian

# influxdata-archive_compat.key GPG fingerprint:
#     9D53 9D90 D332 8DC7 D6C8 D3B9 D8FF 8E1F 7DF8 B07E
wget -q https://repos.influxdata.com/influxdata-archive_compat.key
echo '393e8779c89ac8d958f81f942f9ad7fb82a25e133faddaf92e15b16e6ac9ce4c influxdata-archive_compat.key' | sha256sum -c && cat influxdata-archive_compat.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/influxdata-archive_compat.gpg > /dev/null
echo 'deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/influxdata-archive_compat.gpg] https://repos.influxdata.com/debian stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdata.list

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install telegraf

Set up the Telegraf config for the System Monitoring of the VM

telegraf --config http://localhost:8086/api/v2/telegrafs/0c7e48639e4bf000

Useful docker commands

# view what is running
docker ps

Allow Telegraf to scrape the Docker Daemon


sudo usermod -aG docker telegraf

Troubleshoot Telegraf

Validate your Telegraf configuration with --test

Run a single telegraf collection, outputting metrics to stdout:

telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test

To run Telegraf via Docker

docker run -d --name telegraf --restart unless-stopped -v /path/to/telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf telegraf

To run Telegraf via docker-compose.yml

version: '3'
    image: telegraf
    container_name: telegraf
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /path/to/telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf