
socket.send sends a message slowly

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I try to use this, but it has slow message cooldowns.

tb = require("trollbox-bot")

tb.connect("FunkBot (funk!)","#00FFFF","funk!","Welcome Funkers")

tb.onconnect = function(socket) {
    //commands here
    tb.setcommand("help",function(data, socket) {
        socket.send("Hello, I am FunkBot! Use any command prefixed funk! and here they are! help: the current command you run XD, funfact: Get A Fact!, beep: beep bop skbeep?, dev: Developer of FunkBot! V1 of FunkBot, Beep?")
      tb.setcommand("dev",function(data, socket) {
        socket.send("I was developed by Josiah! He comes around!")
      tb.setcommand("funfact",function(data, socket) {
        socket.send("Tryna develop, by the way, here are some things about the command!")
        socket.send("Gets a FNF fact.")
        socket.send("10 facts for you!")
        socket.send("Web Facts included!")  
      tb.setcommand("beep",function(data, socket) {
        socket.send("skbeep debop ebop!")

It's like a minute or a second, or even a day!

This is not an issue with the code, more likely trollbox.
You can only send 1 message per second in trollbox, this applies to your bot as well.
Try this instead of calling it so many times.

socket.send(`Tryna develop, by the way, here are some things about the command!
Gets a FNF fact.
10 facts for you!
Web Facts included!`)

btw can you credit me in the developer section

Your welcome!

This is not an issue with the code, more likely trollbox.
You can only send 1 message per second in trollbox, this applies to your bot as well.
Try this instead of calling it so many times.

socket.send(`Tryna develop, by the way, here are some things about the command!
Gets a FNF fact.
10 facts for you!
Web Facts included!`)

btw can you credit me in the developer section

Your welcome!

Nvm, I found out I can use \n to make breaks, but I would prefer that