
Compatibility with new Kibana's version?

ilp opened this issue · 11 comments

ilp commented

My Kibana version: 5.3.0

How can I to use this plugin to new versions?
Where can I edit this code to work on new version?

Tested with 5.4.2, set kbnVersion in the configuration file to "5.3.0".

ilp commented

Thank you. It's working now.

ilp commented

What is username and password default of users.json?


Error: Decoding failed at resultHandler (/home/iverson.luis/git/kibana-dev/kbn-authentication-plugin/node_modules/argon2-ffi/lib/index.js:131:27) at /home/iverson.luis/git/kibana-dev/kbn-authentication-plugin/node_modules/ffi/lib/_foreign_function.js:115:9

DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. at emitWarning (internal/process/promises.js:71:15) at emitPendingUnhandledRejections (internal/process/promises.js:88:11) at runMicrotasksCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:124:9) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)

Have you tried user: username and pw: password ? cannot remember what i set the password to. You could try and generate a new password, for example using this site:

Should probably create a commandline tool to add users, I will create an issue for that.

ilp commented

Thank you once again.
From file users.json the authentication was a success. Now I'm trying from ldap.

ilp commented

I add on config.json my ldap configurations, but apparently the authentication starts from just users.json file. Is there a way to start with ldap authentication?

Yes, authentication mode is set by the storage key in the config.json file. Change from file to ldap, example "storage":"ldap".

Added a new issue to improve the documentation on installing/configuring the plugin.

ilp commented

Thank you. Now all is working. This plugin is very good. Congratulations.

ilp commented

I had tried to use others plugins, for example SearchGuard e ReadonlyREST, but they are very complicated e don't provide a UI free. Once again, congratulations for your contribuitions. Now, I will to adapted this plugin for me. Thank you.

Thanks for the feedback! Good to hear you got it working. If there's any problems just open a new issue.