Daten section upgrade
Closed this issue · 5 comments
- New filter category, "Region", with values, "Berlin" and "Nord".
- New value "2017" for filter category, "Year". (issue #86)
More complex (no visual redesign)
- Restructure so that the filter works at the level of individual datasets rather than institutions. PROBLEM: Currently, when you apply various category filters, it returns a list of institutions with datasets that match that filter, BUT it doesn't actually apply the filter to the datasets that belong to that institution - selecting an institution returns ALL datasets that belong to that institution.
- We need to be able to link to individual datasets.
- Das richtige lila für die Regionen aussuchen
@lucypatterson I added year and region. Nord will appear automatically once a Nord dataset is there.
The colors are taken from bootstrap css which leaves me with little choices if I stick with the logic.
I quite like the blue ;) - what do you think?
Still looking into the problem of how we can link every data set.
Very nice!
_ I also like the blue. Let's keep it.
_ All datasets from 2016 were 'Nord'. Please reclassify them
For the individual datasets issue, please think about a solution... but don't take too much time. I think Philipp has also been put on this task...
Seems like Philipp is the one to take care of the Daten display.
@philippgeisler : adding you to this task.