
new-member-30 After Midnight

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This issue is taken from my second kata. Feel free to submit here upon completing to compare with other solutions.


Write a function that takes a negative or positive integer, which represents the number of minutes before
(-) or after (+) Sunday midnight, and returns the current day of the week and the current time in 24hr format ('hh:mm') as a string.

dayAndTime(0)       should return 'Sunday 00:00'
dayAndTime(-3)      should return 'Saturday 23:57'
dayAndTime(45)      should return 'Sunday 00:45'
dayAndTime(759)     should return 'Sunday 12:39'
dayAndTime(1236)    should return 'Sunday 20:36'
dayAndTime(1447)    should return 'Monday 00:07'
dayAndTime(7832)    should return 'Friday 10:32'
dayAndTime(18876)   should return 'Saturday 02:36'
dayAndTime(259180)  should return 'Thursday 23:40' 
dayAndTime(-349000) should return 'Tuesday 15:20'

Hi @bradreeder, I'd like to take this one - just tried it on Codewars.

Great, let me know how it goes @lele21 :)

I've been a bit busy so it's taken a while, but I've posted the solution now @bradreeder :)

No worries, I've just merged. 👍