
No proper DOM online tutorials

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Does anyone knows about a good online tutorial to help you understand the DOM?

I have the DOM scripting book by Jeremy Keith but its a bit too dense...

suggestions anyone?

Hi nogainbar! In the gitbook, there is an existing READme on the DOM, with a great introduction to the tree structure and how to access it with JavaScript...

For an intermediate resource, the chapter in Eloquent JavaScript further explores nodes and how to manipulate the DOM (by changing text and styles of elements). The exercises at the end can be quite heavy, and assume you're already comfortable with the tutorials in the previous chapters

This tutorial by Neil Fraser has basic exercises, it's part of a series that includes accessing the DOM, manipulating the DOM, events and AJAX requests. Hope that helps :)

Udacity has a front-end nanodegree that covers some DOM material.

Skillcrush Javascript is DOM-oriented.