
Topics for Codewars learning

Opened this issue ยท 12 comments

We are looking to compile a list of Codewars Katas that can be used to practice/self-study concepts in JavaScript (e.g. RegEx, Recursion, Filter function).

The end product for a given concept would be something along the lines of:

  • A curated list of Kata starting with basics of the concept ending with advanced applications
  • Katas increasing with incremental difficulty such that no two adjacent Katas in difficulty are so different that significant self study/other resources are required to fill the knowledge gap
  • A further list of Kata that are hard, fun, puzzling (or any combination) to solve where users can go and apply their new knowledge

The issue
We require a list of concepts that we believe require such practice/self-study lists in order to become comfortable with the application of that particular topic in other Katas/programming endeavors.

Below, please comment/upvote on concepts that you believe would benefit the community by having a curated list of Katas.

Next steps

  1. Determine a concept that lends itself to being the first list to be curated/published (Both highly upvoted and with a reasonably small scope)
  2. Create the first list, determining the best practice process for creating such a list and the most useful way of publishing the list
  3. Look to the codingforeveryone community to suggest a further list and crowdsource materials to be dropped in to the process determined in step 2
  4. Master JavaScript?

If you believe there are additional next steps, or can suggest a better way to do things, please also comment below.


String methods


Array methods

LM: suggest this is so massive that it could be split into basic array methods and advanced array methods.

Regular Expressions

Arrow Functions


Math object

Asynchronous JavaScript

Error and Exception handling

Object Orientated Javascript


Though much of these are of course building on top of the ones you mentioned earlier, so I guess we could have some more advanced topics as well.