
difficult installation on debian

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Installation on Debian is not straight forward, but still can be performed by a skilled person.

codl commented

Do you mean the rc script does not work? Or is python2 not a link to the proper python executable?
Please provide mode details, thanks.

  • There's no such executable(or symlink), python2. There are:
  • python
  • python2.6
  • python2.7
  • There's no /etc/rc.conf script in a default debian installation.
  • There's no /etc/rc.d/functions in a default debian installation.
codl commented

All rc issues are fixed in v2.0, since it doesn't need a rc script.

The python names, on the other hand, are an iffy issue. I don't want to restrict it to a single version since it works on both, and python may be python 3.x, depending on the distribution.

However, PEP 394 states that distributions should install python 2.x as python2. It also recommends that python be a link to python2, but that is not mandatory. Therefore, the sane thing to do would be to use python2, and I did.
I blame Debian.