
interop with other scripts

codl opened this issue · 1 comments

codl commented

someone on the bbs says that nfig doesnt play well with other scripts that augment pico8 exports

codl commented

ok so

  • compatibility with krajzeg/pico8gamepad works in 35c0b0c
  • compatibility with seleb/PICO-8-Styler without gamepad support works in 6a4fe2c
  • compatibility with styler with gamepad support is going to be harder because pushGamepadToButtons, the function they run every frame, is not global so I cannot put a wrapper around it. can't think of a solution other than
    • wrapping requestAnimationFrame before all of styler's scripts run and catching pushGamepadToButtons the first time it is passed to rAF, which is a terrible hack and which i'd rather not have to do
    • making a tool that you can drop your styler-generated html into and get a version that has a global function instead. bit silly
    • asking nicely if they can update styler and make their function global