
Buttons 4 - 10 doesn't have effect at latest Chrome

NeXTs opened this issue · 4 comments

NeXTs commented

Chrome 53.0.2785.143 m

Button 4 has effect but not great as before (I've checked it like two months ago and everything worked great), in FF all buttons still playing as expected.

Do you know what may be changed in Chrome that breaks effect animation?

Actually Chrome changed the way the handle the filters urls. So basically on the live article it doesn't work at all for me.
I'll take a look and try to fix it.

NeXTs commented

I must admit that buttons in this repo works just fine.
Buttons are broken at codrop's article.
The problem is - most of the people don't clone & install repo to see effect, they look at it at codrops article.

@codrops So that if you change all
filter: url(../#filter-goo-4);
filter: url(#filter-goo-4);
at this demo page it should be fine at chrome again

NeXTs commented

Ha! My apologies, just noticed @Grsmto made a commit yesterday with some changed, that's why it works now..

Don't mind me )

NeXTs commented

@Grsmto Thank you for such a quick response!