api routes

  • baseurl/api/leaderboard/?matchname="MATCHNAME"&time="TIMEOPTION"
  • baseurl/api/leaderboard/<USER_ID>/?matchname="MATCHNAME"
  • baseurl/api/playerstats/?matchname="MATCHNAME"&time="TIMEOPTION"
  • baseurl/api/playerstats/<USER_ID>/?matchname="MATCHNAME"

    • all time -> will give result based on all time
    • last week -> will give result based on games that were created in last week
    • last day -> will give result based on games that were created in last day
    • last month -> will give result based on games that were created in last month

Running the project:

Installing pre requisites:

In the file name "requirements.txt" project's pre requisites will be listed out
go inside project root folder
install using the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

settings.py tweaks : comment the following heroku's database settings for running it on local:

     'default': dj_database_url.config(

migrate the db using the management command:

python manage.py makemigraitons
python manage.py migrate

running the server:

python manage.py runserver

Database models:

  • Creating Users:

    from django.app.models import UserDetail
    user = UserDetail.objects.create(username="USERNAME", rank="RANK", kills="KILLS", score="SCORE", game="GAME OBJECT", games_list = "GAMES LIST OBJECT"
  • Creating Games:

     from app.models import Game
     game = Game.objects.create(matchname="MATCHNAME") 



adjacent ranks
