
BadRequestError: request aborted

MrOrz opened this issue · 2 comments

MrOrz commented

View details in Rollbar:

BadRequestError: request aborted
  File "/app/node_modules/raw-body/index.js", line 231, in IncomingMessage.onAborted
        done(createError(400, 'request aborted', {
  File "events.js", line 310, in IncomingMessage.emit
  File "_http_server.js", line 532, in abortIncoming
  File "_http_server.js", line 525, in socketOnClose
  File "events.js", line 322, in Socket.emit
  File "net.js", line 672, in TCP.<anonymous>
MrOrz commented

Should if this is due to normal usage (e.g. pressed an outdated button). If it is, we should configure rollbar to ignore such error.

MrOrz commented

Or maybe the user aborted the loading LIFF due to long waiting time?