
Adjust user submission consent wording

MrOrz opened this issue · 0 comments


We would like to adjust the wording when we are asking the user's consent for submitting the message to a publish database.


Please update the following wording to emphasize the fact that the messages will be published on Cofacts website.

1. In util.js

Currently we don’t have this message in our database.

If you think:

  1. 它很可能是謠言
    It is most likely a rumor
  2. 您願意公開此訊息
    You are willing to make the message public

請按「🆕 送進資料庫查核」在 Cofacts 網站公開它,讓好心人能查證與回覆。您可以幫助到未來同樣收到這份訊息的人。
Press “🆕 Report to database” to make this message public on Cofacts website and have volunteers fact-check it. This way you can help the people who receive the same message in the future.

  "type": "bubble",
  "body": {
    "type": "box",
    "layout": "vertical",
    "contents": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": "目前資料庫裡沒有您傳的訊息。",
        "wrap": true
        "type": "text",
        "text": "若您覺得:",
        "margin": "md",
        "wrap": true
        "type": "box",
        "layout": "horizontal",
        "contents": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": "🤔",
            "flex": 0,
            "margin": "none"
            "type": "text",
            "text": "它很可能是謠言",
            "wrap": true,
            "flex": 1,
            "margin": "md",
            "contents": [
                "type": "span",
                "text": "它很可能是"
                "type": "span",
                "text": "謠言",
                "decoration": "none",
                "color": "#ffb600",
                "weight": "bold"
        "margin": "md"
        "type": "box",
        "layout": "horizontal",
        "contents": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": "🌐",
            "flex": 0,
            "margin": "none"
            "type": "text",
            "text": "它很可能是謠言",
            "wrap": true,
            "flex": 1,
            "margin": "md",
            "contents": [
                "type": "span",
                "text": "您願意"
                "type": "span",
                "text": "公開",
                "decoration": "none",
                "color": "#ffb600",
                "weight": "bold"
                "type": "span",
                "text": "這則訊息"
        "margin": "md"
        "type": "text",
        "text": "請按「🆕 送進資料庫查核」在 Cofacts 網站公開它,讓好心人能查證與回覆。您可以幫助到未來同樣收到這份訊息的人。",
        "wrap": true,
        "contents": [
            "type": "span",
            "text": "請按「"
            "type": "span",
            "text": "🆕 送進資料庫查核",
            "color": "#ffb600",
            "weight": "bold"
            "type": "span",
            "text": "」在 Cofacts 網站公開它,讓好心人能查證與回覆。您可以幫助到未來同樣收到這份訊息的人。"
        "margin": "md"
  "footer": {
    "type": "box",
    "layout": "vertical",
    "spacing": "sm",
    "contents": [
        "type": "button",
        "style": "primary",
        "height": "sm",
        "action": {
          "type": "uri",
          "label": "🆕 送進資料庫查核",
          "uri": ""
        "color": "#ffb600"
        "type": "button",
        "style": "primary",
        "height": "sm",
        "action": {
          "type": "uri",
          "label": "我不想回報訊息",
          "uri": ""
        "color": "#333333"
        "type": "box",
        "layout": "vertical",
        "contents": [],
        "margin": "sm"
    "flex": 0

2. In askingCooccurrence

您傳的 N 則訊息,目前都不在 Cofacts 資料庫裡。


  1. 它們很可能是謠言
  2. 您願意公開這些訊息

請按「🆕 送進資料庫查核」在 Cofacts 網站公開它,讓好心人能查證與回覆。您可以幫助到未來同樣收到這些訊息的人。