
Any words on OpenRethinkdb?

v3ss0n opened this issue · 3 comments

Thank you very much for the writeup @coffeemug . Would be nice if you can disclose more.

While you were gone

  • @AtnNn and @srh resumed development and then a few from community continued working on OpenRethinkdb .
  • Many of us are are willing to support development , and waiting for the time we can actually start donating.
  • Since development resumed and commits flowing back, many new users joined into slack chat room . We had to answer questions almost every hours.

As a founder of six years old tech startup and we built our tech stack around RethinkDB and Realtime since you introduced rethinkdb on one of my Quora question , i am very grateful for Rethinkdb and i had learnt a lot how you guys work over the github, and replicated alot of it. Thank you very much for your wisdom and knowledge. But i still believe , it was too soon.

A few thing that could have done (i know its too late) :

  • if you wanted to compete with firebase , market it in China, coz they blocked GCM/FCM and it is huge tech market.
  • should have focused on rethinkdb alone (not the cloud or horizon) and odoo style "RethinkDB Contrators" would be great.

I decided not to participate in the OpenRethinkDB project, and I haven't kept up to date on its status. For anyone reading, if you'd like to participate, the best way is to join #open-rethinkdb on Slack.

Thank you very much , just want to know your opinions about feasibility of OpenRethinkDB , but i don't think you want to say . would be nice if you can point on your website a few links :

chatroom :
help :
current info and latest status :

I am sorry i won't nag you anymore.