
Scene B3DA causing error with no /bounds

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Our titiler instance fails when requesting bounds for the following scene:

The object itself is rather strange looking in Scihub. With some weird sort of value-threshold feathering happening beyond the edge of what I would call the bounds of the image.

New example with the same behavior:

• This one does not have that strange feathering on its edges
• This one is not close to the anti-meridian
• This one is an S1A_S1, whereas the first example was an S1A_S3

🤔 the issue is because the ID is invalid, because we only accept mode (beam) IW or EW. The beam S1 or S3 is something new to me.

oh, those are stripmap modes, which are slightly different from Interferometric modes:

I thing there is no real blocker from rio-tiler-pds side to allow those datasets!

Amazing! Thank you so much for including these!