
Can't read file from private Google Cloud Storage Bucket

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I'm trying to read a Cloud Optimized Geotiff file from a private GCS bucket using the googleapis link:

URL = ""
from import Reader

async def get_tiles():

 with Reader(URL) as cog:
     stats = cog.statistics()
     vmin = stats["b1"].model_dump()["min"]
     vmax = stats["b1"].model_dump()["max"]

return {response: 'ok'} 


Since the bucket is private I need to access to that file using something like API Key provided by gcloud and setting the API Key as a Bearer token to the authorization header like "Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]", otherwise I get:

httpx.HTTPStatusError: Client error '401 Unauthorized' for url ''

Is there a way to pass headers to the Reader() or just authenticating to googleapis in any other way?

Thank you

🤔 the httpx error message doesn't really make sense because doesn't use httpx

about using private bucket in GCP, you can have a look at and then use

import rasterio
from rasterio.session import GSSession
from import Reader
with rasterio.Env(session= GSSession()):
     with Reader(URL) as cog:

🤔 the httpx error message doesn't really make sense because doesn't use httpx

about using private bucket in GCP, you can have a look at and then use

import rasterio
from rasterio.session import GSSession
from import Reader
with rasterio.Env(session= GSSession()):
     with Reader(URL) as cog:

Thank you @vincentsarago this was really helpful! Actually the HTTPX error came from another trial I previously did with riotiler STACRead so do not consider it.

Also, since I found out that GDAL doc may not be extremely helpful at a first glance I put my code with comment here, hoping it would be helpful for other:

   import rasterio
   from rasterio.session import GSSession
   from import Reader

   URL="gs://bucket-name/file-name.tif" # Use 'gs://... ' notation
    with rasterio.Env(session=GSSession()):

      # GSSession use the Google application-default-credential standard path
      # Then if you are locally developing it would be helpful just like any other implementation
      # of gcloud api 

        with Reader(URL) as cog:
            stats = cog.statistics()