Uniformize Occluders and Distractors
Closed this issue · 2 comments
danielbear commented
Draw occluders and distractors from a common subset of the model library and in a common sampling distribution across controllers.
occluders, distractors, and "quirky" objects should all be models with use_flex=True
. This is because only these models have easily accessed meshes that can be used for modeling.
For FLEX-based controllers, such as clothiness (@arty-p), all objects should have use_flex=True
A way to get all the models that are FLEX-enabled is:
# lib = ModelLibrarian("models_full.json")
# for record in lib.records:
# if record.flex:
# print(record.name)
felixbinder commented
I already made that issue here: neuroailab/tdw_physics#40 We decided to leave the stim generation issues in tdw_physics
danielbear commented