
How to extract RGB frames from Physionv1.5?

duxiaodan opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello authors of Physion dataset,

There isn't a documentation for Physionv1.5( data structure yet. Could you please share a code snippet on how to extract mp4 videos or RGB frames from the hdf5 file? Thank you very much


Xiaodan Du

Hi Xiaodan, sorry for the delay in response.

Here's some code to extract frames from the hdf5 files:

import h5py as h5
import io
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

def get_image(raw_img, pil=False):
    raw_img: binary image to be read by PIL
    returns: HxWx3 image
    img =

    if pil:
        return img
    return np.array(img)

def index_img(h5_file, index, suffix='', pil=False):

    # print(index)
    if index > len(h5_file['frames']) - 1:
        #set index to last frame
        # print("inside if")
        index = len(h5_file['frames']) - 1

    img0 = h5_file['frames'][str(index).zfill(4)]['images']
    rgb_img = get_image(img0['_img' + suffix][:], pil=pil)

    return rgb_img

h5file = '<path to hdf5 file>'

with h5.File(h5file) as hf:
    rgb_image = index_img(hf, 10, suffix='_cam0')

We will also be releasing the pipeline for model evaluations on PhysionV1.5 soon. We will notify you when that is ready.

Thank you very much. Looking forward to checking out how to get the binary GT labels from the hdf5 etc.