

chemrgineer opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I'm trying IPOPT compiling with SPRAL support. First I compiled SPRAL only CPU support. I follewed this instructions. I installed spral files my home directory. Then I cloned latest IPOPT repo from github. Then I run
../configure --with-spral-lflags="-L/home/erturk/spral/lib -lspral -lgfortran -lhwloc -lm -lcoinmetis -lopenblas -lstdc++ -fopenmp" --with-spral-cflags="-I/home/erturk/spral/include"
and I get:

configure: Compiler flags were "-I/home/erturk/spral/include". Use --with-spral-cflags to overwrite. Check config.log for details of failed compile attempt.
configure: Linker flags are "-L/home/erturk/spral/lib -lspral -lgfortran -lhwloc -lm -lcoinmetis -lopenblas -lstdc++ -fopenmp". Use --with-spral-lflags to overwrite. Check config.log for details of failed link attempt.
configure: error: user-specified flags for Spral do not work.

Where I make mistake dont know. Thanks for answers.

As the message says, please check config.log for details.

I found my mistake. I installed METIS from ubuntu official repositories (not compiled coinmetis), so I changed -lcoinmetis to -lmetis its worked. Thanks.