
Appending to the end of output_file while printing rather than overwirting it

zhengzl18 opened this issue · 2 comments

I wonder if there is a way to append to the end of output_file while printing rather than overwirt it. I'd like to print the outputs of several solvings to one file, but by simply setting output_file, the contents of this file will be overwitten every solving. I have searched for output-related options but found nothing.

No, there is no option so far. You could create your own version of the FileJournal class that does that, but it should also be possible to add an option that says whether to append or truncate.

No, there is no option so far. You could create your own version of the FileJournal class that does that, but it should also be possible to add an option that says whether to append or truncate.

THX a lot!