
have a question :check:construction=> Which is the field of the privatekey

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hello my friend
in /construction/combine , where is words write in privateKey ? in config.json :
"prefunded_accounts": [ { "privkey": "privkey", "account_identifier": { "address": "address" }, "curve_type": "secp256k1", "currency": { "symbol": "ELF", "decimals": 8 } } ] },
but do /construction/combine signing,The privatekey of the signature is not passed in config.json, and there is no specific information in the official document.

that's not what it means,I mean in /construction/combine ,where is words write in privateKey.
input.Signatures[0].HexBytes yes or no?
but when I run it , input.Signatures[0].HexBytes is not privateKey