
"Process stalled" error message

rllola opened this issue · 5 comments

I am still trying to run check:construction and now that I have increased the tip_delay so it can start, I have this error message.

2022/10/12 14:45:11 Syncing 12575433-12575434
processing stalled
[MEMORY] Heap: 1103.368118MB Stack: 0.656250MB System: 1160.534706MB GCs: 6
2022/10/12 14:45:12 check:construction status server shutting down

I have no clue why it is shutting down on its own like this. Any ideas?

Here is the definition of processing stalled, can you check if the workflows (e.g. CreateAccount) in *.ros file is defined properly?

And this is where we return processing stalled, if the workflows are not defined properly finally it will return that error message

Here the .ros file

    network = {"network":"cosmoshub-4 ", "blockchain":"Cosmos"};
    key = generate_key({"curve_type": "secp256k1"});
    account = derive({
      "network_identifier": {{network}},
      "public_key": {{key.public_key}}

    // If the account is not saved, the key will be lost!
      "account_identifier": {{account.account_identifier}},
      "keypair": {{key}}

I didn't write this so I assume it was working before...

This is an example from ethereum.ros, and here is the instruction of how to write *.ros, you may use them as reference

You may wait for your chain to sync to tip then give a try, if this issue still exists you may use the debugger to deep dive what actually happen in the *.ros

I found the issue. It is because it is required to have at least 2 workflows : request and create.

It is written in the documentation
Screenshot from 2022-10-14 09-31-50

I don't know if there is a way to improve the error message or to quickly check the .ros file to be sure it include those 2.

Thanks for bringing this up, I am gonna improve the error message for this