
websocket orderbook events look wrong

npomfret opened this issue · 3 comments

I've subscribing to one and only one orderbook feed in my process

{ message: 'subscribing to ob feed',
  key: '63488.64032',
  marketSymbol: 'BTC/GBP',
  baseMapping: { ccy: 'XBT', scale: 10000, id: 63488 },
  quoteMapping: { ccy: 'GBP', scale: 100, id: 64032 } }

But I occasionally get events for another channel:

{ base: 63488,
     counter: 64000,
     id: 35119760,
     notice: 'OrderClosed',
     price: 811700,
     quantity: -28,
     tonce: 1590511543, }

You always get notifications related to your own orders, regardless of your book subscriptions. (You can tell it's your own order because it includes the tonce field.)

Ah right, thanks. Did I miss this in the docs?

Ah right, thanks. Did I miss this in the docs?


Authenticated users receive notice of their own orders.

[tonce] is present only if the recipient of the notification is the owner of the order.