
$_GET is of type Array('field'=> Top)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

sk- commented

The following code will produce the error

Notice: Type mismatch: expected: Array["id" => Any, ...], found: Array["id" => Top]
echo $_GET['id'];


echo $_GET['id'];


indeed, because that's what it is. $_GET['id'] could be undefined, or assign to strings or arbitrary arrays. There is an option to make it less strict though.

sk- commented

Sure, but what is troubling is that the message is hard to understand. What does Top mean? Does it mean undefined or string or array? For user defined arrays the type is much clearer.

Also, related to this, the following code does not produce any errors:


if (!is_array($_GET['id'])) {
    echo $_GET['id'];

and should warn about $_GET[id] being undefined.