
Not Showing Tames

ZephyrZymbol opened this issue · 10 comments

Figured out how to track wild dinos, but it doesn't even list my tames when I click "Show Tames". Did I do sth wrong? I followed the instructions on the wiki...

I'm not sure how this happened. Maybe you could upload your .ark somewhere so I can try to reproduce it?

The status bar showing 109 wild creatures and 0 tames found is worrying. Maybe you pointed to the wrong save file?

Maybe Dropbox or Google Drive? Anything you can generate a public link for.

Thanks. Now 1.10 is published with the new maps I'll take a look into this.

Initial investigation shows I can't find a single creature that looks tamed in that save file, even looking much deeper than Larkator usually does.

Any chance you can contact me on Discord to supply some more information and answer some questions? You'll find me as coldino#7792 or on ASB's server (

Okay well assuming you don't get on Discord... my theory is that you've loaded your local save file instead of the save file from the server. The save file you sent has no tames in it and appears to only be a few minutes old.

Clients connected to a server don't get a copy of the save game - you need to fetch it from the server manually.

Going to close this issue under that assumption, but feel free to get back to me if you still have trouble.