
get_dependent_packages() wrong output

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for your great package! It is extremely useful when using it in combination with Docker.
However, I stumbled upon an error when trying to dockerize a shiny app. After some research I came to the following:
When running get_dependent_packages from the automagic package it gave the following output:
[1] "shiny" "shinydashboard" "shinyBS" "shinyWidgets" [5] "shinyjs" "RODBC" "ggplot2" "geomnet" [9] "scales" "dplyr" "tidyr" "GGally" [13] "plotly" "rhandsontable" "networkD3" "stringr" [17] "shinycssloaders" "flexdashboard" "visNetwork" "ggrepel" [21] "ggthemes" "data.table" "DT" "bcrypt" [25] "lubridate" "jsonlite" "rmarkdown" "pkg_name, character.only = TRUE" [29] "pkg, character.only = TRUE" "devtools" "httr" "\"jsonlite\", character.only = TRUE" [33] "\"devtools\", character.only = TRUE" "\"httr\", character.only = TRUE" "names(pkgs" "tcltk"

Any idea what could be the cause? Thanks!

Thanks for using the package and for filing this issue. You're right, it looks like there is a problem. Can you post the R file that you are supplying to get_dependent_packages()? Preferably the shortest version possible that still produces this unexpected output. Thanks.

I am unfortunately unable to share the code since it is company policy. However, I think I might have resolved the issue by deleting some unneeded code. This code was coming from another package to test the releasing of a Shiny app and contained references to the word 'package'. I suspect this was the cause. Thanks for replying anyway!