use something like this to only use private lib and not global lib??
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##' Set your R library paths at run time
##' A wrapper for .libPaths that removes .Library and from your
##' library paths while adding the contents of the character vector lib_vec
##' @title set_lib_paths
##' @return nothing
##' @export
set_lib_paths <- function(lib_vec) {
lib_vec <- normalizePath(lib_vec, mustWork = TRUE)
shim_fun <- .libPaths
shim_env <- new.env(parent = environment(shim_fun))
shim_env$.Library <- character()
shim_env$ <- character()
environment(shim_fun) <- shim_env
##' Set your libPaths to .libPaths()[[1]]
##' If you're using 'renv' this will hopefully remove your system libraries and give you an isolated environment.
##' @title isolate_renv()
##' @return nothing
##' @export
isolate_renv <- function() {
paths <- .libPaths()
global library still needs to be installed in order for R to find base packages that are installed with R. It doesn't seem like a good idea to duplicate these packages in the private library, but this also could present a problem if a user wants to install a specific version of a package in the private library when a different version of the package is installed in the global library.