
This is a slimmed down and Dockerized version of the offline geocoder here:

🛑 geocoder_slim has been deprecated. See this wiki post for how to use DeGAUSS as a Geocoding API, or OfflineGeocodeR which wraps this process into an R package. 🛑


The image is hosted privately and can be pulled with docker pull colebrokamp/geocoder_slim. This requires authorization through the docker command line. Contact the author for access. Note that this could take a while because the image contains a large (~5GB) database of TIGER/Line address range files.

Single Geocode

Call the container and geocode a single address. Delete the container afterwards:

docker run --rm=true colebrokamp/geocoder_slim "3333 Burnet Ave Cincinnati OH 45229"

The software will return the geocoding result as JSON to stdout:

[{"street":"Burnet Ave","zip":"45229","city":"Cincinnati","state":"OH","lat":39.14089,"lon":-84.500402,"fips_county":"39061","score":0.949,"prenum":"","number":"3333","precision":"range"}]

See the original software package ( for documentation and interpretation of output.

Continuous Geocoding

Start the container and keep it running with: docker run -it -d --name gs colebrokamp/geocoder_slim /bin/bash

Query the container for a geocode with docker exec gs ruby /root/geocoder/geocode.rb '3333 Burnet Ave Cincinnati OH 45229'

Continue querying the container with more addresses. This can be automated for several addresses using a scripting language.

Stop the container and delete it with docker stop gs and docker rm gs.