
Sitemap plugin doesn't create sitemap.xml

shelvick opened this issue · 3 comments

The sitemap object doesn't inherit from content. Quick and easy patch works for me:

--- a/plugins/sitemap.lisp	2017-10-03 06:51:49.003216580 +0000
+++ b/plugins/sitemap.lisp	2017-10-03 06:52:04.350754494 +0000
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+			  #:content
   (:import-from :alexandria #:hash-table-values)
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@
 (in-package :coleslaw-sitemap)
-(defclass sitemap ()
+(defclass sitemap (content)
   ((urls :initarg :urls :reader urls)))
 (defmethod page-url ((object sitemap)) "sitemap.xml")

@shelvick Thanks for reporting this issue. However I don't think sitemap should subclass content but rather index. From

Roughly speaking, a POST is a blog entry and an INDEX is a
collection of POSTs or other content. An INDEX really only serves to
group a set of content objects on a page, it isn't content itself.

This used to be the case. We should probably see what is needed to restore that. I think it may be asserting a route for the sitemap in the config

This is still an issue and @shelvick's patch doesn't even work anymore.

This issue has been open for a while, any suggestions on how to move this forward quickly?