
Add an .editorconfig file to root of project.

colgreen opened this issue · 2 comments

I am going to defer this. There are multiple things going on here, and I think it would be wise to let the dotnet core ecosystem mature a little further before changing anything. Those things are:

  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysys.NetAnalyzers superseding Stlyecop.Analyzers. But it's not clear they are superseded, or at least anecdotally I have found the new MS rules to be not as comprehensive as stylecop. Furthermore, stylecop appears to be a live project.
  • .editorconfig is likely going to be the standard place where analyzer rules are disabled and configured, but I believe stylecop supports using .editorconfig now too, so the stylecop and netanalyzer rules could play nicely together.

This was already done some time ago.

Regarding stylecopy vs NetAnalyzers; there is some overlap there I think, but the stylecop rules are still relevant, and therefore they will remain in use at this time.