Reflection issues with Java 9
akoehn opened this issue · 7 comments
Original report by Alexander Koller (Bitbucket: akoller, GitHub: alexanderkoller).
Currently, Alto does not work with Java 9 because of the following reflection-related problems:
- org.simplericity.macify triggers an error "Illegal reflective access by org.simplericity.macify.eawt.DefaultApplication (file:/private/tmp/alto/target/alto-2.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) to method". There does not seem to be a more recent version of macify that fixes this.
- Alto Lab doesn't find static methods in Program#getAllAnnotatedStaticMethods, probably because no classes are found in Program#getAllClassesIn_irtg_Classpath (but this needs to be double-checked).
Ideas for fixing these issues:
- Replace macify with something that does the same thing, but works with Java 9.
- Replace Alto Lab's class-finding mechanism with a class-finding mechanism like in InputCodec and OutputCodec, where the classes that can be used from Alto Lab tasks must be explicitly declared in a file.
Original changes by Alexander Koller (Bitbucket: akoller, GitHub: alexanderkoller).
changed content from "Currently, Alto does not work with Java 9 because of the following reflection-related problems:
org.simplericity.macify triggers an error "Illegal reflective access by org.simplericity.macify.eawt.DefaultApplication (file:/private/tmp/alto/target/al" to "Currently, Alto does not work with Java 9 because of the following reflection-related problems:
org.simplericity.macify triggers an error "Illegal reflective access by org.simplericity.macify.eawt.DefaultApplication (file:/private/tmp/alto/target/al"
macify can be removed (just tested it), don't know how import it is to have on macs.
@alexanderkoller, could you give me an example of the other error? As far as I can see, everything works as expected. The plugins to read irtgs etc. seem to be recognized just fine.
I have pushed a branch in which macify is removed.
Hm. I just tried an older version (changeset 1920, from March 2018) on OpenJDK 12 on MacOS, and I don't get the "reflective access" message any more. The algebras and codecs all seem to be there. I do get a weird bug with the Window menu (see screenshot below). To reproduce, do File -> Open, then cancel. This adds a Window menu. Does this also happen on other OSes?
The macify is important to move the menu bar to the top of the screen (where it belongs on MacOS) and change the hotkeys to Cmd-O and such. I will have a look at your branch.
I have tested the un-macify version, and it seems to display fine on MacOS using both Java 8 and Java 12. As far as I'm concerned, we can switch to the code version in un-macify.
The "Window" bug I mentioned above occurs only on Java 12. I will move it into a separate issue.
Ok, in that case, I will merge that commit to master. The Alto GUI does not work without it on JRE11 on Debian (haven't tested other non-Mac OSes).
As far as I can tell, the GUI works perfectly on MacOS right now with Java 12 (except for the more specific bug in #42). Can I close this issue?