
Prisma XOR with Zod > 3.21.1 not working

chrishoermann opened this issue ยท 23 comments

We encounterd a bug when using generated prisma types with versions greater than 3.21.1.

You can reproduce the issue in the following repo:

As you can read in the following discussion we first thought it was an issue with prisma, but after digging around and finding that the suspected type has been this way for a long time now @njdowdy found that this is a zod issue that happend somwhere in 3.21.2

Discussed in #2171

Originally posted by chrishoermann March 9, 2023
I've built a generator for prisma (zod-prisma-types) that throws a type error since prisma updated their XOR type in 4.11:

  type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never };

   * XOR is needed to have a real mutually exclusive union type
  type XOR<T, U> =
    T extends object ?
    U extends object ?
      (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T)
    : U : T

before this type update the following zod schema worked without problems:

export const UserCreateInputSchema: z.ZodType<Prisma.UserCreateInput> = z.object({
  id: z.string().cuid().optional(),
  email: z.string().email({ message: "Invalid email address" }),
  name: z.string().min(1).max(100).optional().nullable(),
  role: z.union([ z.lazy(() => UserCreateroleInputSchema),z.lazy(() => RoleSchema).array() ]).optional(),
  enum: z.lazy(() => AnotherEnumSchema).optional(),
  scalarList: z.union([ z.lazy(() => UserCreatescalarListInputSchema),z.string().array() ]).optional(),
  posts: z.lazy(() => PostCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInputSchema).optional(),
  profile: z.lazy(() => ProfileCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInputSchema).optional(),
  location: z.lazy(() => LocationCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInputSchema).optional(),

export const UserUncheckedCreateInputSchema: z.ZodType<Prisma.UserUncheckedCreateInput> = z.object({
  id: z.string().cuid().optional(),
  email: z.string().email({ message: "Invalid email address" }),
  name: z.string().min(1).max(100).optional().nullable(),
  role: z.union([ z.lazy(() => UserCreateroleInputSchema),z.lazy(() => RoleSchema).array() ]).optional(),
  enum: z.lazy(() => AnotherEnumSchema).optional(),
  scalarList: z.union([ z.lazy(() => UserCreatescalarListInputSchema),z.string().array() ]).optional(),
  lat: z.number(),
  lng: z.number(),
  posts: z.lazy(() => PostUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInputSchema).optional(),
  profile: z.lazy(() => ProfileUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInputSchema).optional(),

export const UserCreateArgsSchema: z.ZodType<Prisma.UserCreateArgs> = z.object({
  select: UserSelectSchema.optional(),
  include: UserIncludeSchema.optional(),
  data: z.union([ UserCreateInputSchema,UserUncheckedCreateInputSchema ]),

so a simple union was sufficient to satisfy typescript. in Prisma 4.11 typescript now throws the following error because, as I see it, the Without<...> type can not be satisfied with a union anymore:

Type 'ZodObject<{ select: ZodOptional<ZodType<UserSelect, ZodTypeDef, UserSelect>>; include: ZodOptional<ZodType<UserInclude, ZodTypeDef, UserInclude>>; data: ZodUnion<...>; }, "strict", ZodTypeAny, { ...; }, { ...; }>' is not assignable to type 'ZodType<UserCreateArgs, ZodTypeDef, UserCreateArgs>'.
  The types of '' are incompatible between these types.
    Type '(UserCreateInput | UserUncheckedCreateInput) & (UserCreateInput | UserUncheckedCreateInput | undefined)' is not assignable to type '(Without<UserCreateInput, UserUncheckedCreateInput> & UserUncheckedCreateInput) | (Without<...> & UserCreateInput)'.
      Type 'UserCreateInput & UserUncheckedCreateInput' is not assignable to type '(Without<UserCreateInput, UserUncheckedCreateInput> & UserUncheckedCreateInput) | (Without<...> & UserCreateInput)'.
        Type 'UserCreateInput & UserUncheckedCreateInput' is not assignable to type 'Without<UserUncheckedCreateInput, UserCreateInput> & UserCreateInput'.
          Type 'UserCreateInput & UserUncheckedCreateInput' is not assignable to type 'Without<UserUncheckedCreateInput, UserCreateInput>'.
            Types of property 'lat' are incompatible.
              Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.

I'm currently a bit stuck on how to solve this issue because I don't really know how to implement the Without<...> type especially because the z.ZodType<...> does not provide the object helper methods that would have been my first guess on how to approach this. Any help is appreciated.

ymc9 commented

Thanks for creating the issue @chrishoermann ! I'm working zenstack and hit by the same thing ๐Ÿ˜„.

We have the same problem. Since almost 3 month now we are stuck to using zod in version 3.21.1.
We put a resolutions entry at the top of our monorepo:

// package.json
  // ...
  "resolutions": {
    "zod": "<=3.21.1",
ymc9 commented

This issue has been here for a while ๐Ÿ˜„. Just wondering if it's on the radar for a fix soon.

It seems like this bug does not occur in v4.16.1 of Prisma ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

@Intevel No, I can confirm same error with prisma@4.16.1 and zod@3.21.4

@Intevel No, I can confirm same error with prisma@14.16.1 and zod@3.21.4

Did you updated your @prisma/client aswell?

Did you updated your @prisma/client aswell?

Yes, sure

Waiting for an update as well. Stuck here too

any news on this one? Is it confirmed as a bug yet?

ymc9 commented

If it's confirmed to be a bug, I'd like to try making a fix.

ymc9 commented

Hi @colinhacks , we need some attention here ๐Ÿ˜„. Many people build Prisma-related tools using zod and all likely blocked to some extent.

This issue needs to get more attention!

I do agree. I sadly have switched to dirzzle for new projetcs by now.

laneme commented

Zod sure has a lot of open issues for a validation library. No wonder its the most used these days.

This is probably gonna take some time to get picked up without a random dev stepping in.

Not only prisma, we recently encountered the same error with nextjs react-hook-forms zodResolver.

Hope this problem can be solved .

Here to add some weight to the issue

I've got that same problem. Is there any workaround in the meantime (that isn't downgrading)?

We need this fixed :-)

Any news on this topic ? This is a blocking issue that prevent us to generate types from Prisma schema with latest Zod release

setting up the following rule in tsconfig.json might be a solution.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "strictNullChecks": true   

When will the fix be released?

This fix has landed in zod@beta