
Terminal in PhpStorm with msysgit

fplantinet opened this issue · 5 comments


I try modman with PhpStorm and new tabs 'Terminal'
I try :
bash-3.1$ modman clone
/bin/modman: line 759: conditional binary operator expected
/bin/modman: line 759: syntax error near =~' /bin/modman: line 759:if ! [[ "$action" =~ $REGEX_ACTION ]]; then'

I dunno, bash version too old maybe?

I have a hope that it works on Windows 7?
i can update my bash ?

no, it won't work on Windows due to lack of support in cygwin/msysgit for proper symlinks

I try with ubuntu VM and mac os x and it's work ! I love modman now !

Cool. It should also work directly on Mac OSX as well. I personally use a linux VM on Windows.