
X-WR-TIMEZONE - disussion

niccokunzmann opened this issue · 3 comments

I maintain python-recurring-ical-events and already 3 Issues were reported about X-WR-TIMEZONE expectations, see Issue niccokunzmann/python-recurring-ical-events#71.

My question is where to support X-WR-TIMEZONE as

  • it is not in the standard.
  • People who do not now it, will run into wrong assumptions with their calendars.
  • This library icalendar uses pytz time zones from the database, as I understand, not the ones in the TIMEZONE definitions, correct?

It looks like X-WR-TIMEZONE is not be supported by icalendar and also should not be supported.
By "supported", I mean that the times of the dates without time zone receive the time zone of X-WR-TIMEZONE.

About approching this:
I see these places to support X-WR-TIMEZONE:

  • icalendar
  • python-recurring-ical-events
    • this duplicates behaviour: icalevents also checks for X-WR-TIMEZONE
    • people might just want X-WR-TIMEZONE without any of that recurrence interpretation
  • a new module on pypi, dedicated to X-WR-TIMEZONE

What do you think about these options, especially the first one?

Since google calendar uses this non standard timezone, we should support it. Otherwise I must change every date in my code manually, which is not what I'd expect of a good parsing library. Maybe an optional parameter could work, as it is also backwards compatible?

I created a library x-wr-timezone to check out what it takes to work on this.

Actually a pretty nice idea!