
`values_list` querying and returning wrong flattened data

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When using values_list through a relationship ormar is return all non-nullable fields and the taking the first one as the flattened value, which is the wrong field/values.

An example, say I have a list of car ids, and I want to find the set of owners for that set of cars. Each car has a garage, each garage has an owner. I only want the owner_id's for efficiency sake.

car_ids = [1, 2, 3]

await Cars.objects.select_related([Car.garage])
    .values_list("garage__owner", flatten=True)

Car has a bunch of non-nullable fields as does Garage and Owner, hence why I want to use values_list to query raw data and not hydrate actual models

When this is executed I actually get the whole of the Car and Garage models queried for (I can see the SELECTs for these columns in the SQL), and then is just grabbing the first value, which happens to be the not anything to do with

I've tried using fields_exclude to explicitly remove non-nullable fields but it doesn't work. I've tried a combination of flatten and exclude_through with similar results.

As far as I can tell, using values_list isn't allowing me to bypass non-nullable fields? Is there something I've missed, or not understood about querying raw data like this?