
search across all FilterLists fields in single search box

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TPS commented

@collinbarrett Please expand the search to filterlist descriptions. Sometimes the descriptions are more precise than the titles, which gives the choice of an empty reply to a perfect query or, in response to an overbroad search request, involves a lot of needless hunting through an already-filtered meta-list. (Thanks very much for this amazing service! ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ)

So, you can search the Descriptions independently if you want. But, I do see where it could be valuable to have a single search box that searches all fields at once, possibly.


TPS commented

@collinbarrett The currently-implemented column-(sort/filter)-designated search isn't @ all intuitive to find (I didn't have any idea it existed until your hint above), nor is it even accessible under mobile view. But, since that is implemented, then combined search across all text columns (looks to be Name, Description, Syntaxes, Languages, & Tags, but Idk whether the others have any text representation to index) ideally should be straightforward.

Specifically, this is separate from #33. I don't really see how combining that with this is useful.