
Map layer distance broken?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I loaded the jump'n run demo and added a second layer background to the level side-scrolling with a distance of 2. Layer main still has distance 1. However, if I start the game, the ordering is all mixed up. main seems to be farther back, but the background layer is also far away. The only front layer seems to be collision, since I'm walking around in empty space.



Since I didn't modify the jump'n run code at all, I figure that it must be a bug within Impact++, possibly related to the camera?!

Impact++ merges all prerendered maps into one to save on draw calls. Repeated maps are not merged, but it is possible that maps with different distances are getting merged incorrectly. Can you enable debug and check the background maps panel? Is there just one background map?

I disabled pre-rendering for the background map for now, but no difference.

In debug: I'm not sure how it would show different background maps. It shows only one tileset. If I toggle "pre rendered" in debug, it hides and shows the main map, although the main map isn't ticked as "prerender" in Weltmeister, too. I guess it automatically prerenders main?

This is the debug panel. That's all there is (map goes down a bit more, but nothing else):

bildschirmfoto 2013-12-29 um 11 46 01

If you want to try yourself, here's the map I'm using:

ig.module( 'game.levels.side-scrolling' )
.requires( 'impact.image','game.entities.torch','game.entities.ghost','game.entities.spike','game.entities.player' )
LevelSideScrollingResources=[new ig.Image('media/tiles.png'), new ig.Image('media/tiles.png')];

If the debug only shows one map, they've been merged. I'll add a check for distance mismatches as soon as I can, thanks for submitting the bug :-)

Should be working as expected on latest dev!

Thanks for the quick fix. It works, altough I have to experiment with different distance settings. I think plain old Impact allows to set the distance to something like 50 and have the background scroll really slow. If there are multiple backgrounds in Impact++, there might be something confused. I did only a quick check and didn't wrap my brain around it yet fully. I gonna open a new issue if this is really an issue. Anyways, thanks again for the quick fix :)