
Weapon on Player animation

Closed this issue · 2 comments


First of all, sorry for all the questions here.

I am currently developing an MMO with impactjs & impact++

I have a Player entity, and an own entity for a weapon

.defines(function () {
    ig.EntityMeleeWeapon = = ig.EntityExtended.extend({
        size: {
            x: 32,
            y: 32
        offset: {
            x: -10,
            y: 20
        animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/weapons/weapons.png', 32, 32),
        animSettings: {
            idle: {
                sequence: [53],
                frameTime: 1

        collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.NONE,

        initProperties: function () {
            // Call the parent constructor first so all of the entities are drawn and positioned

            // Store the associated trader entity
         // var trader =;
           // this.trader = trader || null;
        activate: function(){

Now when i "activate" the weapon, i want an animation, where the angle just changes for 90° but not instant, as an animation.

but i dont want to create an animation sprite. with different frames

is this possible without?

is there a better solution for my weapon?

thanks in advance

Hello @tlins,

yes, you can do some basic animation with the angle property. You have to increment the angle property step by step in your update function. Quick example:

degOfAngle: 0,
hasActiveWeapon: false,

activate: function(){

this.hasActiveWeapon = true;


update: function(){


if( this.degOfAngle < 90 && this.hasActiveWeapon ){

    this.angle = ++this.degOfAngle;



Keep in mind that an animation with a custom animationSheet may look much better. That really depends on the art you are using.

I'd also recommend custom animation in the sprite sheet for the best visual experience, but yes you can set the angle and it should rotate the sprite as expected. @Pattentrick has the right idea, though I'd do it via the updateChanges method and not the update method. Note the tip here: