
Update logging to use Riiablo.logs

collinsmith opened this issue · 1 comments|log|warn|error) calls exist throughout the application and need to be replaced with com.riiablo.logger. I'll do this to all new classes and classes I touch which require additional logging, but that leaves 997 calls, at least in my local repo which includes uncommitted files. While this is being done, and obviously over time, I would like the logging to be refined with additional trace and debug logging where appropriate ( is a good example).

God Help You

Old: #88 implemented log4j2 log support into the project and while this is implemented into some important codecs, it will need to supersede all calls.

As a halfway solution, it might be worth it to write an impl of GDX logger which parses the TAG as a class name, and logs the message using that logger's log. Not a perfect solution.