
Description of training kernza stem detection and counting models

Primary LanguagePython

Kernza Stem Detection

This repository describes the process of developing a Kernza stem detection/counting model using YOLOv8 and Ilastik.

METHOD 1: Using YOLOv8

This method uses the YOLOv8 model to detect and count Kernza stems in images. The dataset used to train this model can be found on Roboflow.

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/collinswakholi/Kernza_stems_detection.git
cd Kernza_stems_detection
  • Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download the dataset from Roboflow and extract it into the "Data" folder of this repository. Rename the folder containing the images and labels to "img_size" depending on the image size of your dataset. For example, if your image size is 512x512, rename the folder to "512". The folder structure should look like this:
├── Data
│   ├── 512
│   │   │  ├── train
│   │   │  │   ├── images
│   │   │  │   ├── labels
│   │   │  ├── data.yaml
│   │   │  ├── README.roboflow.txt
│   │   │  ├── README.dataset.txt
├── utils
│   ├── do_shuffle.py
│   ├── shuffle_write.py
├── imgs
├── Test images
├── inference.py
├── Inference.ipynb
├── train_YOLOv8.py
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
  • Edit the data.yaml file in the "Data/img_size" folder to match your dataset. The data.yaml file should look like this:
train: ../train/images
val: ../valid/images
test: ../test/images

nc: 1
names: ['stems']

  workspace: usdaars
  project: kz_measurestems
  version: 17
  license: CC BY 4.0
  url: https://universe.roboflow.com/usdaars/kz_measurestems/dataset/17


  • First, open the train_YOLOv8.py file and edit the img_sz variable to match your dataset.

  • Edit the training parameters in the train_YOLOv8.py file to suit your needs.

# set training parameters
project = 'kernza_stems'
name = 'yolov8_model_'+str(img_sz)+'_'
data = yaml_dir
imgsz = img_sz
epochs = 500
batch = -1 # 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 # batch size or -1 for auto (largest batch size possible)
optimizer = 'Adam' # 'SGD', 'Adam', 'AdamW', 'RMSprop', 'RAdam', 'Adamax', 'auto'
device = '0' # '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7' # cuda device, i.e. 0 or 0,1,2,3 or cpu
patience = 100 # early stopping patience
verbose = True # print mAP every epoch
exist_ok = True # change to true if you want to overwrite previous results
name_val = name+"_val" # validation results
single_cls = False # train as single-class dataset
cache = True # use cache images for faster training
  • You can also edit the ratio of the training, validation, and test sets in the utils/shuffle_write.py file. The default ratio is 0.7:0.2:0.1 for training, validation, and test sets respectively. This will create a new shuffled dataset in the "Data/img_size_shuffled" folder which will be used for training.
self.ratio = [0.7, 0.2, 0.1] # train, val, test
  • Run the train_YOLOv8.py file to start training:
python train_YOLOv8.py
  • The training results will be saved in the "project/name" folder. The best model will be saved in the "project/name/weights" folder.


  • Download the stem count model artefacts from Google Drive.
  • To run inference on images in a folder (For Example "Test images"), open the inference.py or inference.ipynb if you are using Colab. Edit the variables to match your dataset and model directory.
img_sz = 2048

image_folder = '/RawImages/AkronTest_CO' # change this to the path of your images

base_folder = '_'.join(image_folder.split('/')[-2:])

# set inference parameters
name = 'yolov8_model_'+str(img_sz)+'_Images_'+base_folder
project = 'YOLOResults'
save = True # save image results  ######################################################################
save_txt = False # save results to *.txt
save_conf = False # save confidences in --save-txt labels
show_labels = False   # hide labels
show_conf = False # hide confidences
line_width = 2
batch = -1 # batch size
visualize = False # visualize model features
conf_thres = 0.28 # confidence threshold
iou_thres = 0.55 # NMS IoU threshold
imgsz = img_sz # inference size (pixels)
exist_ok = True # if True, it overwrites current 'name' saving folder #####################################
half = True # use FP16 half-precision inference True/False
cache = True # use cache images for faster inference

img_fmt = '.JPEG' # image format
  • You can run inference on a subset of the images in the folder by editing the nx variable. The default is nx = 10 which runs inference on batches of 10 images in the folder. Depending on how big the model is, amount of available VRAM, and the number of images in the folder, you can increase or decrease this value.
# split the list of images into batches of 10 images
nx = 10 # number of images per batch
  • Run the inference.py file to start inference:
python inference.py
  • The results will be saved in the "project/name" folder, including the stems count in the "project/name/stem_count_img_size.csv" file.
  • The same can be done using the Inference.ipynb notebook on Google Colab. Follow this Video for a step by step tutorial.


  • Performance of the model on the test set: Results Plot
  • Example of the model's predictions on images Results Image1 Results Image2

METHOD 2: Using Ilastik

Check out these videos that explain how stem detection was done using Ilastik.

  • Ilastik Pixel Classification Video (1/2)

Ilastik Pixel Classification (1/2)

  • Ilastik Pixel Classification Video (2/2)

Ilastik Pixel Classification (2/2)