This is a simple python script that reads a QR code from an image and prints the result. It uses the WeChat QR code reader API in openCV to read the QR code from a CV2 image.
- Install using pip:
pip install readQR
from readQR import ReadQR
import readQR.wechat_artefacts as artefacts
import cv2
art_dir = artefacts.__path__[0]
img = cv2.imread('test.png')
reader = ReadQR(artefact_path=art_dir)
show = None # Set to "single" or "continuous" to show the image with the QR code highlighted for single or continuous frames (video)
result = reader.decode(img, show=show)
[print(r) for r in result]
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.