
Symbolic Link

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello Ravi check this, in folder /data/sync_folders/server_name/group/

its not creating the Symbolic Link of the file located in /media/ folder is copying the file, so the data storage its raising.


I am assuming it is build that way, as players download from Sync_folder and not from media folder.

Hello hitesh83

In past versions of the server what is created in the sync_folders is a folder with the name of the group and inside a symbolic link to the files of the playlists assigned to that group saved in the /media folder

For example, there was only one file called image1 and it was downloaded from /media/image1 and the symbolic link located in the syncs_folder folder directed it to be downloaded by the player. So the file on the server was only in one location not duplicated multiple times.

in this version if I have 10 groups with 50 files in syncs_folder it is creating the 10 folders and within it duplicating the 50 files in each of the folders consuming the space on the hard disk