
Password saved in plain text in mongo db

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Going into the mongodb shell and showing the setting collection reveals the authCredentials password in plain text


Used commands:
use pisignage-server-dev

Sample Output Showing the password in plaintext

    _id: ObjectId("object-id"),
    authCredentials: { user: 'admin-username', password: 'ADMIN-PASSWORD-IN-PAINTEXT' },
    installation: 'pi-signage-username',
    newLayoutsEnable: false,
    systemMessagesHide: true,
    forceTvOn: false,
    disableCECPowerCheck: false,
    defaultDuration: 10,
    language: 'en',
    sshPassword: null,
    enableLog: false,
    hideWelcomeNotice: true,
    reportIntervalMinutes: 5,
    enableYoutubeDl: true,
    __v: 0

Possible In scope:

  • Add measures to salt and hash the password before it gets saved to db
  • Change auth check to handle checking against hashed password
  • Test for functionality of authentication, and setting new password

Resources Found

Approaching 2 years and this hasn't been addressed yet?

Hi, this is used by players in the internal network and http auth. We are not planning to solve this as of now.

Would love for this to be addressed. At least more security added for open-source servers. 2FA, SSO, different password for players than server, no plain text on players and MongoDB, etc.