
Uploading a larger quantity of images results in a Multer error

dxf opened this issue · 1 comments

dxf commented

Running the latest version of the Docker container on macOS Monterey.

I'm able to upload smaller batches of files (5 is my go to currently) but anything above about 12 seems to bug out.


MulterError: Unexpected field
    at wrappedFileFilter (/pisignage-server/node_modules/multer/index.js:40:19)
    at Multipart.<anonymous> (/pisignage-server/node_modules/multer/lib/make-middleware.js:107:7)
    at Multipart.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at HeaderParser.cb (/pisignage-server/node_modules/busboy/lib/types/multipart.js:358:14)
    at HeaderParser.push (/pisignage-server/node_modules/busboy/lib/types/multipart.js:162:20)
    at SBMH.ssCb [as _cb] (/pisignage-server/node_modules/busboy/lib/types/multipart.js:394:37)
    at feed (/pisignage-server/node_modules/streamsearch/lib/sbmh.js:248:10)
    at SBMH.push (/pisignage-server/node_modules/streamsearch/lib/sbmh.js:104:16)
    at Multipart._write (/pisignage-server/node_modules/busboy/lib/types/multipart.js:567:19)
    at writeOrBuffer (internal/streams/writable.js:358:12)
    at Multipart.Writable.write (internal/streams/writable.js:303:10)
    at IncomingMessage.ondata (internal/streams/readable.js:719:22)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at (internal/streams/readable.js:519:10)
    at flow (internal/streams/readable.js:992:34)
    at Multipart.pipeOnDrainFunctionResult (internal/streams/readable.js:816:7)

I'd appreciate any support as I'm trying to deploy this :)


dxf commented

I believe the limit is set at 10 - for reasons I'm not sure of, but if that could be enforced when uploading rather than just bugging out that would be ideal I reckon :)