
Switching between 2 playlists with Custom Layouts has odd results

Opened this issue · 2 comments

TL;DR - it appears that if I have more than 1 playlist using a custom layout scheduled - the player loads the custom layout for the first playlist but does not load the custom layout for the next playlist when it switches. I feel this is a bug.

I have two Playlists (DHCP-Stats, MRTG-Internet) which I am trying to play on a single PiSignage RasberryPi. Playlist DHCP-Stats uses the custom layout "custom_layout_3_over_1", while MRTG-Internet uses "custom_layout_2_rows_3_cols". Both were created in the "Template Designer" interface - so I assume the templates are correct.

If "DHCP-Stats" is listed first as a scheduled playlist - the assets are displayed in the correct order (see Result Screenshots: 3-over-1-applied-to-DHCP-Stats.jpeg attached). When the player switches to "MRTG-Internet", the RaspberryPi uses the layout from "DHCP-Stats" to display it's data (see Result Screenshots: 3-over-1-applied-to-MRTG-Internet.jpeg)

If "MRTG-Internet" is listed first as a scheduled playlist - the assets are displayed in the correct order (see Result Screenshots: 2x3-applied-to-MRTG-Internet.jpeg attached). When the player switches to "DHCP-Stats", the RaspberryPi uses the layout from "MRTG-Internet" to display it's data (see Result Screenshots: 2x3-applied-to-DHCP-Stats.jpeg)

Result Screenshots:
3-over-1-applied-to-DHCP-Stats.jpeg - Expected output
3-over-1-applied-to-MRTG-Internet.jpeg - Example of the bug
2x3-applied-to-MRTG-Internet.jpeg - Expected output
2x3-applied-to-DHCP-Stats.jpeg - Example of the bug

Custom Layouts:


Actually all players take the layout of first playlist as base playlist for all scheduled playlists as of now. Assets can use full screen feature anytime to occupy full screen.

Soooo... using two separate layouts on a single player is not a supported feature? Is it somewhere on the roadmap?