
Auto language detector!

Closed this issue · 9 comments

lnxpy commented

We can have a function that takes the [FILE] name and returns the programming language that the scrip file is written in based on the following LANGUAGES_TYPES:

    'bash': ['.sh', ..],
    'c': ['.c', ..],

We remove the default value for --language and check for any user-made values. If there is no value for this field, detect_language(type) will be called.

This would be so cool, I also recommend using this package and not using the file extension.

lnxpy commented

@Farhaduneci, Check out the issues. It looks like some people having issues installing that package!

Hey @lnxpy Check this out :

>>> from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer, guess_lexer_for_filename

>>> guess_lexer('#!/usr/bin/python\nprint "Hello World!"')

>>> guess_lexer_for_filename('', 'print "Hello World!"')

I got it from here, I think this is a great way of guessing codes, This even creates the potential of showing the codes with lexing via rich.
This is a list of all available lexers in the pygments library

lnxpy commented

@SepehrRasouli That's awesome but we don't have pygments as a dependency and since this package's main functionality is code highlighting, that might not be a good solution using this package for this purpose.

@lnxpy, Your reasoning for not using this library is correct, But that's the best choice, The library @Farhaduneci introduced has problems and dictionaries might not be efficent and get too big. Do you still think we should not use this ? This also creates the potential of showing the code to the user, with highlighting.

lnxpy commented

@SepehrRasouli I prefer the old-school way like detecting based on the file type.

@lnxpy Then we should either gather the extensions of many programming languages' file types, Or only cover important and popular ones.
Which one do you think we should do ? And, Can I work on this ?

Hi @lnxpy, Based on what we talked about last week, I want to work on this issue by the method you said.

We remove the default value for --language and check for any user-made values. If there is no value for this field, detect_language(type) will be called.

Can you please elaborate a little bit more ? I can't understand what you mean by this.

lnxpy commented

@SepehrRasouli, there is a positional argument called args.file that takes the file. You have access to the file name so you can trim out the type using os.path or pathlib. Now, you can set a value for args.language.