
Checking for updates phase!

Closed this issue · 6 comments

lnxpy commented

A quick check to find whether the current version of the package is up to date otherwise, showing a warning message and asking for an update.

Available utilities:

There can be a quick yes/no question about whether the user wants to update the package.

I would like to work on this one if you haven't already 🤞

lnxpy commented

That's awesome. I checked some benchmarks and found that some packages are a bit slow in responding. Needs a bit of R&D.

@lnxpy, Check this out, I tried it and it works very well for pasteme.

@lnxpy Can i be assigned ?

Hi @lnxpy, The library i told you about earlier checks if the two files (either the python file itself by using the file dunder method or a path to another file) we give it as it's arguments are the same or not.
We can use this to our own advantage, for example:

  1. Check the file for the version number
  2. Create a constant called VERSION in the file and check that.

Which one do you think suits our needs the best ?

lnxpy commented

@SepehrRasouli We may not work on auto-update for now Sepehr. I have no plans for now.